Ping usage

The ping endpoint is used to check if the server is up and running. It is a simple endpoint that returns a 200 status code if the server is up and running.

Table of Contents

Base URL

The base URL for the Occupi API is, or http://localhost:8080 if you are in develop mode.



The ping endpoint is used to check if the API is up and running.

  • URL


  • Method


  • Success Response

    • Code: 200
    • Content: { "status": 200, "message": "pong -> I am alive and kicking", "data": {}, }
  • Error Response

    • Code: 404
    • Content: { "message": "Resource not found" }

Example json to send:



The ping-open endpoint is used to check if the API is up and running and also to check if the user is not authenticated. If a user is authenticated, they cannot access this endpoint.

  • URL


  • Method


  • Success Response

    • Code: 200
    • Content: { "status": 200, "message": "pong -> I am alive and kicking and you are not auth'd, only non-auth'd users can access this endpoint", "data": {}, }
  • Error Response

    • Code: 401
    • Content: {\"error\":{\"code\":\"INVALID_AUTH\",\"details\":null,\"message\":\"User not authorized\"},\"message\":\"Bad Request\",\"status\":401}

Example json to send:



The ping-auth endpoint is used to check if the API is up and running and also to check if the user is authenticated.

  • URL


  • Method


  • Success Response

    • Code: 200
    • Content: { "status": 200, "message": "pong -> I am alive and kicking and you are auth'd", "data": {}, }
  • Error Response

    • Code: 401
    • Content: {\"error\":{\"code\":\"INVALID_AUTH\",\"details\":null,\"message\":\"User not authorized\"},\"message\":\"Bad Request\",\"status\":401}

Example json to send:



The ping-admin endpoint is used to check if the API is up and running and also to check if the user is an admin.

  • URL


  • Method


  • Success Response

    • Code: 200
    • Content: { "status": 200, "message": "pong -> I am alive and kicking and you are an admin", "data": {}, }
  • Error Response

    • Code: 401
    • Content: {\"error\":{\"code\":\"INVALID_AUTH\",\"details\":null,\"message\":\"User not authorized to access admin route\"},\"message\":\"Bad Request\",\"status\":401}

Example json to send:
