Auth usage

The auth endpoint is used to authenticate a user and get a token to access the API. The token is used to authenticate the user for all the other endpoints.

Base URL

The base URL for the Occupi API is, or http://localhost:8080 if you are in develop mode.


The authentication endpoints are used to register, login, login-admin, logout, and verify users. Only POST requests are used for these endpoints.


  • URL


  • Method


  • Success Response

    • Code: 200
    • Content: { "status": 200, "message": "Successful login!", "data": {}, }

    Error Response

    • Code: 400
    • Content: {"status": 400, "message": "Invalid email address": {"code": "INVALID_REQUEST_PAYLOAD","message": "Expected a valid format for email address": {}}}
  • Error Response

    • Code: 500
    • Content: {"status": 500, "message": "Internal Server Error","error": {"code": "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR","message": "Internal Server Error","details": {}}}

Example json to send:

  "email": "[email protected]",
  "password": "123456"


  • URL


  • Method


  • Success Response

    • Code: 200
    • Content: { "status": 200, "message": "Successful login!", "data": {}, }

    Error Response

    • Code: 400
    • Content: {"status": 400, "message": "Invalid email address": {"code": "INVALID_REQUEST_PAYLOAD","message": "Expected a valid format for email address": {}}}
  • Error Response

    • Code: 500
    • Content: {"status": 500, "message": "Internal Server Error","error": {"code": "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR","message": "Internal Server Error","details": {}}}

Example json to send:

  "email": "[email protected]", // the backend has checks that verify is a user is an admin
  "password": "123456"


  • URL


  • Method


  • Success Response

    • Code: 200
    • Content: { "status": 200, "message": "Successful login!", "data": {"token": "some random jwt token"}, }

    Error Response

    • Code: 400
    • Content: {"status": 400, "message": "Invalid email address": {"code": "INVALID_REQUEST_PAYLOAD","message": "Expected a valid format for email address": {}}}
  • Error Response

    • Code: 500
    • Content: {"status": 500, "message": "Internal Server Error","error": {"code": "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR","message": "Internal Server Error","details": {}}}

Example json to send:

  "email": "[email protected]",
  "password": "123456"

if you use this endpoint, you will get back an auth token that you can use to access other endpoints. Ensure to intilialise it in the Auth header


  • URL


  • Method


  • Success Response

    • Code: 200
    • Content: { "status": 200, "message": "Successful login!", "data": {"token": "some random jwt token"}, }

    Error Response

    • Code: 400
    • Content: {"status": 400, "message": "Invalid email address": {"code": "INVALID_REQUEST_PAYLOAD","message": "Expected a valid format for email address": {}}}
  • Error Response

    • Code: 500
    • Content: {"status": 500, "message": "Internal Server Error","error": {"code": "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR","message": "Internal Server Error","details": {}}}

Example json to send:

  "email": "[email protected]", // the backend has checks that verify is a user is an admin
  "password": "123456"

if you use this endpoint, you will get back an auth token that you can use to access other endpoints. Ensure to intilialise it in the Auth header


This endpoint is used for beginning the authentication process using webauthn for admin users.

  • URL


  • Method


  • Success Response

    • Code: 200
    • Content: { "status": 200, "message": "WebAuthn login initiated", "data": {"options": {"some data"}, "sessionData": {"some data"}, "uuid": "some uuid"}, }
  • Error Response

    • Code: 400
    • Content: {"status": 400, "message": "Invalid email address": {"code": "INVALID_REQUEST_PAYLOAD","message": "Expected a valid format for email address": {}}}
  • Error Response

    • Code: 500
    • Content: {"status": 500, "message": "Internal Server Error","error": {"code": "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR","message": "Internal Server Error","details": {}}}

Example json to send:

  "email": "[email protected]"


This endpoint is used for finishing the authentication process using webauthn for admin users.

  • URL

    /auth/login-admin-finish/${uuid} // the uuid is gotten from the response of the login-admin-begin endpoint

  • Method


  • Success Response

    • Code: 200
    • Content: { "status": 200, "message": "Successful login!", "data": {}, }
  • Error Response

    • Code: 400
    • Content: {"status": 400, "message": "Expected id field": {"code": "INVALID_REQUEST_PAYLOAD","message": "Expected an id field": {}}}
  • Error Response

    • Code: 500
    • Content: {"status": 500, "message": "Internal Server Error","error": {"code": "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR","message": "Internal Server Error","details": {}}}


This endpoint is used for beginning the authentication process using webauthn for admin users who have not setup their webauthn credentials yet.

  • URL


  • Method


  • Success Response

    • Code: 200
    • Content: { "status": 200, "message": "WebAuthn login initiated", "data": {"options": {"some data"}, "sessionData": {"some data"}, "uuid": "some uuid"}, }
  • Error Response

    • Code: 400
    • Content: {"status": 400, "message": "Invalid email address": {"code": "INVALID_REQUEST_PAYLOAD","message": "Expected a valid format for email address": {}}}
  • Error Response

    • Code: 500
    • Content: {"status": 500, "message": "Internal Server Error","error": {"code": "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR","message": "Internal Server Error","details": {}}}

Example json to send:

  "email": "[email protected]"


This endpoint is used for finishing the authentication process using webauthn for admin users who have not setup their webauthn credentials yet.

  • URL

    /auth/register-admin-finish/${uuid} // the uuid is gotten from the response of the register-admin-begin endpoint

  • Method


  • Success Response

    • Code: 200
    • Content: { "status": 200, "message": "Successful login!", "data": {}, }
  • Error Response

    • Code: 400
    • Content: {"status": 400, "message": "Expected id field": {"code": "INVALID_REQUEST_PAYLOAD","message": "Expected an id field": {}}}
  • Error Response

    • Code: 500
    • Content: {"status": 500, "message": "Internal Server Error","error": {"code": "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR","message": "Internal Server Error","details": {}}}


  • URL


  • Method


  • Success Response

    • Code: 200
    • Content: { "status": 200, "message": "Registration successful! Please check your email for the OTP to verify your account.", "data": {}, }

    Error Response

    • Code: 400
    • Content: {"status": 400, "message": "Invalid email address": {"code": "INVALID_REQUEST_PAYLOAD","message": "Expected a valid format for email address": {}}}
  • Error Response

    • Code: 500
    • Content: {"status": 500, "message": "Internal Server Error","error": {"code": "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR","message": "Internal Server Error","details": {}}}

Example json to send:

  "email": "[email protected]",
  "password": "123456",
  "employee_id": "OCCUPI20241234", //this field is optional, an employee id will be generated if not provided
  "expoPushToken": "Push token goes here"

Resend OTP

This endpoint is used to resend a new OTP to the user's email during registration.

  • URL


  • Method


  • Success Response

    • Code: 200
    • Content: { "status": 200, "message": "Registration successful! Please check your email for the OTP to verify your account.", "data": {}, }

    Error Response

    • Code: 400
    • Content: {"status": 400, "message": "Invalid email address": {"code": "INVALID_REQUEST_PAYLOAD","message": "Expected a valid format for email address": {}}}
  • Error Response

    • Code: 500
    • Content: {"status": 500, "message": "Internal Server Error","error": {"code": "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR","message": "Internal Server Error","details": {}}}

Example json to send:

  "email": "[email protected]"

Verify OTP

This endpoint is used to verify the OTP sent to the user's email during registration.

  • URL


  • Method


  • Success Response

    • Code: 200
    • Content: { "status": 200, "message": "OTP verified successfully!", "data": {}, }
  • Error Response

    • Code: 400
    • Content: {"status": 400, "message": "Invalid OTP": {"code": "INVALID_AUTH","message": "Email not registered, otp expired or invalid": {}}}
  • Error Response

    • Code: 500
    • Content: {"status": 500, "message": "Internal Server Error","error": {"code": "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR","message": "Internal Server Error","details": {}}}

Example json to send:

  "email": "[email protected]",
  "otp": "123456"

Verify OTP Login

This endpoint verifies the otp sent during registration and logs the user in if the otp is valid.

  • URL


  • Method


  • Success Response

    • Code: 200
    • Content: { "status": 200, "message": "Successful login!", "data": {}, }
  • Error Response

    • Code: 400
    • Content: {"status": 400, "message": "Invalid OTP": {"code": "INVALID_AUTH","message": "Email not registered, otp expired or invalid": {}}}
  • Error Response

    • Code: 500
    • Content: {"status": 500, "message": "Internal Server Error","error": {"code": "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR","message": "Internal Server Error","details": {}}}

Example json to send:

  "email": "[email protected]",
  "otp": "123456"

Verify OTP Admin Login

This endpoint verifies the otp sent during registration and logs the admin in if the otp is valid.

  • URL


  • Method


  • Success Response

    • Code: 200
    • Content: { "status": 200, "message": "Successful login!", "data": {}, }
  • Error Response

    • Code: 400
    • Content: {"status": 400, "message": "Invalid OTP": {"code": "INVALID_AUTH","message": "Email not registered, otp expired or invalid": {}}}
  • Error Response

    • Code: 500
    • Content: {"status": 500, "message": "Internal Server Error","error": {"code": "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR","message": "Internal Server Error","details": {}}}

Example json to send:

  "email": "[email protected]", // the backend has checks that verify is a user is an admin
  "otp": "123456"

Verify OTP Mobile Login

This endpoint verifies the otp sent during registration and logs the user in if the otp is valid.

  • URL


  • Method


  • Success Response

    • Code: 200
    • Content: { "status": 200, "message": "Successful login!", "data": {"token": "some random jwt token"}, }
  • Error Response

    • Code: 400
    • Content: {"status": 400, "message": "Invalid OTP": {"code": "INVALID_AUTH","message": "Email not registered, otp expired or invalid": {}}}
  • Error Response

    • Code: 500
    • Content: {"status": 500, "message": "Internal Server Error","error": {"code": "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR","message": "Internal Server Error","details": {}}}

Example json to send:

  "email": "[email protected]",
  "otp": "123456"

if you use this endpoint, you will get back an auth token that you can use to access other endpoints. Ensure to intilialise it in the Auth header

Verify OTP Mobile Admin Login

This endpoint verifies the otp sent during registration and logs the admin in if the otp is valid.

  • URL


  • Method


  • Success Response

    • Code: 200
    • Content: { "status": 200, "message": "Successful login!", "data": {"token": "some random jwt token"}, }
  • Error Response

    • Code: 400
    • Content: {"status": 400, "message": "Invalid OTP": {"code": "INVALID_AUTH","message": "Email not registered, otp expired or invalid": {}}}
  • Error Response

    • Code: 500
    • Content: {"status": 500, "message": "Internal Server Error","error": {"code": "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR","message": "Internal Server Error","details": {}}}

Example json to send:

  "email": "[email protected]", // the backend has checks that verify is a user is an admin
  "otp": "123456"

if you use this endpoint, you will get back an auth token that you can use to access other endpoints. Ensure to intilialise it in the Auth header


  • URL


  • Method


  • Success Response

    • Code: 200
    • Content: { "status": 200, "message": "Logout successful!", "data": {}, }
  • Error Response

    • Code: 400
    • Content: {\"error\":{\"code\":\"INVALID_AUTH\",\"details\":null,\"message\":\"Authorized user can't access this route\"},\"message\":\"Bad Request\",\"status\":401}
  • Error Response

    • Code: 500
    • Content: {"status": 500, "message": "Internal Server Error","error": {"code": "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR","message": "Internal Server Error","details": {}}}

Example json to send:


Is Verified

This endpoint is used to check if a user has verified their account.

  • URL


  • Method


  • Success Response

    • Code: 200
    • Content: { "status": 200, "message": "User is verified", "data": {}, }

    Error Response

    • Code: 400
    • Content: {"status": 400, "message": "Invalid email address": {"code": "INVALID_REQUEST_PAYLOAD","message": "Expected a valid format for email address": {}}}
  • Error Response

    • Code: 500
    • Content: {"status": 500, "message": "Internal Server Error","error": {"code": "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR","message": "Internal Server Error","details": {}}}

Example json to send:

  "email": "[email protected]"

Forgot Password

This endpoint is used to send a reset password link to the user's email.

  • URL


  • Method


  • Success Response

    • Code: 200
    • Content: { "status": 200, "message": "Password reset OTP sent to your email", "data": null, }

    Error Response

    • Code: 400
    • Content: {"status": 400, "message": "Invalid email address": {"code": "INVALID_REQUEST_PAYLOAD","message": "Expected a valid format for email address": {}}}
  • Error Response

    • Code: 500
    • Content: {"status": 500, "message": "Internal Server Error","error": {"code": "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR","message": "Internal Server Error","details": {}}}

Example json to send:

  "email": "[email protected]"

Reset Password Login

This endpoint is used to reset the user's password.

  • URL


  • Method


  • Success Response

    • Code: 200
    • Content: { "status": 200, "message": "Successful login!", "data": {}, }
  • Error Response

    • Code: 400
    • Content: {"status": 400, "message": "Invalid OTP": {"code": "INVALID_AUTH","message": "Email not registered, otp expired or invalid": {}}}
  • Error Response

    • Code: 500
    • Content: {"status": 500, "message": "Internal Server Error","error": {"code": "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR","message": "Internal Server Error","details": {}}}

Example json to send:

    "email": "[email protected]",
    "newPassword": "newPassword",
    "newPasswordConfirm": "newPassword",
    "otp": "123456"

Reset Password Admin Login

This endpoint is used to reset the admin's password.

  • URL


  • Method


  • Success Response

    • Code: 200
    • Content: { "status": 200, "message": "Successful login!", "data": {}, }
  • Error Response

    • Code: 400
    • Content: {"status": 400, "message": "Invalid OTP": {"code": "INVALID_AUTH","message": "Email not registered, otp expired or invalid": {}}}
  • Error Response

    • Code: 500
    • Content: {"status": 500, "message": "Internal Server Error","error": {"code": "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR","message": "Internal Server Error","details": {}}}

Example json to send:

    "email": "[email protected]", // the backend has checks that verify is a user is an admin
    "newPassword": "newPassword",
    "newPasswordConfirm": "newPassword",
    "otp": "123456"

Reset Password Mobile Login

This endpoint is used to reset the user's password on mobile.

  • URL


  • Method


  • Success Response

    • Code: 200
    • Content: { "status": 200, "message": "Successful login!", "data": {}, }
  • Error Response

    • Code: 400
    • Content: {"status": 400, "message": "Invalid OTP": {"code": "INVALID_AUTH","message": "Email not registered, otp expired or invalid": {}}}
  • Error Response

    • Code: 500
    • Content: {"status": 500, "message": "Internal Server Error","error": {"code": "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR","message": "Internal Server Error","details": {}}}

Example json to send:

    "email": "[email protected]",
    "newPassword": "newPassword",
    "newPasswordConfirm": "newPassword",
    "otp": "123456"

if you use this endpoint, you will get back an auth token that you can use to access other endpoints. Ensure to intilialise it in the Auth header

Reset Password Mobile Admin Login

This endpoint is used to reset the admin's password on mobile.

  • URL


  • Method


  • Success Response

    • Code: 200
    • Content: { "status": 200, "message": "Successful login!", "data": {}, }
  • Error Response

    • Code: 400
    • Content: {"status": 400, "message": "Invalid OTP": {"code": "INVALID_AUTH","message": "Email not registered, otp expired or invalid": {}}}
  • Error Response

    • Code: 500
    • Content: {"status": 500, "message": "Internal Server Error","error": {"code": "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR","message": "Internal Server Error","details": {}}}

Example json to send:

    "email": "[email protected]",
    "newPassword": "newPassword",
    "newPasswordConfirm": "newPassword",
    "otp": "123456"

if you use this endpoint, you will get back an auth token that you can use to access other endpoints. Ensure to intilialise it in the Auth header