AI endpoint Usage

This page provides a detailed explanation of how to use the Occupi AI models. The Occupi AI models endpoint is a RESTful API that allows you to interact with the Occupi models programmatically. The Occupi AI models endpoint provides endpoints for receiving Occupancy predictions.


The AI model endpoints are used to make predictions on the occupancy of the office space.

Base URL

The base URL for the AI model endpoint is:

  • URL


  • Method


  • Success Response

    • Code: 200
    • Content: { "response": "Prediction API is up and running" }
  • Error Response

    • Code: 500
    • Content: { "error": "models unavailable" }

Example json to send:



The predict endpoint is used to make a prediction on the occupancy for the office space for the current date.

  • URL


  • Method


  • Success Response

    • Code: 200
    • Content: {"Day_of_Week": #,"Day_of_month": #,"Is_Weekend": false,"Month": #,"Predicted_Attendance_Level": "###-###","Predicted_Class": #,"Special_Event": #}
  • Error Response

    • Code: 500
    • Content: { "message": "An error occured" }

Example json to send:


Predict Week

The predict week endpoint is used to make a prediction on the occupancy for the office space for the current week.

  • URL


  • Method


  • Success Response

    • Code: 200
    • Content: {"Day_of_Week": #,"Day_of_month": #,"Is_Weekend": false,"Month": #,"Predicted_Attendance_Level": "###-###","Predicted_Class": #,"Special_Event": #},{"Day_of_Week": #,"Day_of_month": #,"Is_Weekend": false,"Month": #,"Predicted_Attendance_Level": "###-###","Predicted_Class": #,"Special_Event": #},...
  • Error Response

    • Code: 500
    • Content: { "message": "An error occured" }

Example json to send:


Predict Date

The predict date endpoint is used to make a prediction on the occupancy for the office space for a specific date.

  • URL


  • Method


  • Success Response

    • Code: 200
    • Content: {"Day_of_Week": #,"Day_of_month": #,"Is_Weekend": false,"Month": #,"Predicted_Attendance_Level": "###-###","Predicted_Class": #,"Special_Event": #}
  • Error Response

    • Code: 500
    • Content: { "message": "An error occured" }

Example json to send:


Predict Week from Date

The predict week from date endpoint is used to make a prediction on the occupancy for the office space for the week starting from a specific date.

  • URL


  • Method


  • Success Response

    • Code: 200
    • Content: {"Day_of_Week": #,"Day_of_month": #,"Is_Weekend": false,"Month": #,"Predicted_Attendance_Level": "###-###","Predicted_Class": #,"Special_Event": #},{"Day_of_Week": #,"Day_of_month": #,"Is_Weekend": false,"Month": #,"Predicted_Attendance_Level": "###-###","Predicted_Class": #,"Special_Event": #},...
  • Error Response

    • Code: 500
    • Content: { "message": "An error occured" }

Example json to send:
